I have always felt a sense of impending doom. For several decades this was a feeling I directly attributed to a process of active personal addiction.
I realise now, having been in recovery several years, that this sense of doom was also contributed to, in no small part, by an acceptance that I was a member of a race that had a crisis in consciousness that we could barely live with, and which would eventually consume us. Basically I felt we were fcuked and it was only a matter of time!
Despite high human aspiration and philosophical conviction on the one hand, the reality was a world full of misery, conflict, destructive brutality and aggression on the other. Indeed man himself appears hardly to have evolved. He himself is still brutal, violent, aggressive, highly acquisitive and competitivly self-centered. In fact the societies and systems we have created demand these qualities for survival.
I can see why a pandemic state of normalized psychopathy, or, just simply getting shit-faced and catatonic, as often as possible, on whatever one of the myriad distractions that we as humans can bloat and gorge ourselves on, is a most understandable reaction to the shame of being even remotely part of any of it.
Despite this, I do know that man is inately good at heart and capable of great love and creativity as a driving force for his future on this planet. He just needs a chance, and above all, hope, that there is an alternative to the current bondage he is a slave to.
One of the most uplifting moments for me in recovery is the realisation that there is an alternative.
It does however require a willingness to dismantle the existing infrastructure and system as we know it. Why? Well quite simply because it does not work. In and of itself it represent a powerful addictive process in its own right.
I can not in all conscience do personal recovery and divorce myself from the wider societal and global sickness in which I live. Not without comment or taking action where I can.
"The courage to change the things I can"
At the very least I feel I should stand up and be counted and lend my voice and efforts to a sustainable future for my children.
In its simplest terms if I am "to do the right thing for the right reason in all my affairs", which is required of the 12 Step program I work, then I have no other choice.
The following posts will outline some of the action required to dismantle our globally addicted society and present some of the exciting alternative solutions that are emerging.
A close look at our present social systems reveal that they are built upon fundamentals which produce war, poverty, murder, crime, violence, compromised health care, media monopoly, corporate corruption and indifference for the environment.
The root of this completely unacceptable and inhumane form of existence is an excessive and obsessive pursuit of power and wealth. The drug of choice is money....... immensely powerful and destructive, and it has not served humanity well.
If we are lucky enough to be able to "score" then we can convince ourselves we are living. If we can't "score" we die, as millions have done, down through the ages and still do as I write this weblog.
The addiction to "THE LOVE OF MONEY" pervades every strata of society from the individual worrying about his job,income and pension to national governments trying to rip its citizens off at every turn in an attempt to balance the books and stay on the hamster wheel.
The Narcotics Anonymous maxim that describes the addict could equally be applied to corporations and nation states, ie " An addict is a man or woman (read society) whose life is controlled by drugs (read money), the getting and using, and finding ways and means to get more. We live to use (read for money) and use (read pursue money) to live.
Most incessantly the addict is shot through with FEAR at not being able to score his drug of choice. " Panic in needle park" if you will.
Society is no different and is consumed by the same self centred FEAR when the spectre looms of not being able to get and use its own drugs of choice,"Power and Wealth".
That is the sum and truth of it.
Most incessantly the addict is shot through with FEAR at not being able to score his drug of choice. " Panic in needle park" if you will.
Society is no different and is consumed by the same self centred FEAR when the spectre looms of not being able to get and use its own drugs of choice,"Power and Wealth".
That is the sum and truth of it.
Within this obsessive and compulsive monetarist system, the drug barons /overlords are the privileged elite and global corporations pulling the strings in the shadows.
They preside over the poppy fields of the Federal Reserve, Central Banks and IMF who print money at will, and who are supported by toady governments and institutions doing the dealing and drug running and holding whole nations and peoples to ransom and in debt.
On many occasions when some societies want to break free from slavery to this iniquitous system, the enforcers, cleaners and hit men are brought in to protect the rackets or move on someone else's territory,all in the trumped up name of democracy, world peace, God and country!
War, murder, crime and violence get the job done and keep the elite exactly where they want to be. In power, at the expense of others.
The sickness that spreads from this primary obsession with money and the pursuit of more, leads to compulsive spending, gambling, lending, and property acquisition. Then there is work addiction, compulsive competition, status seeking, and stress, upon each of which, a compulsive corporation and vested interest rides. The inability to have truly functional relationships is compromised by sex craving and person co-dependency each often
They preside over the poppy fields of the Federal Reserve, Central Banks and IMF who print money at will, and who are supported by toady governments and institutions doing the dealing and drug running and holding whole nations and peoples to ransom and in debt.
On many occasions when some societies want to break free from slavery to this iniquitous system, the enforcers, cleaners and hit men are brought in to protect the rackets or move on someone else's territory,all in the trumped up name of democracy, world peace, God and country!
War, murder, crime and violence get the job done and keep the elite exactly where they want to be. In power, at the expense of others.
The sickness that spreads from this primary obsession with money and the pursuit of more, leads to compulsive spending, gambling, lending, and property acquisition. Then there is work addiction, compulsive competition, status seeking, and stress, upon each of which, a compulsive corporation and vested interest rides. The inability to have truly functional relationships is compromised by sex craving and person co-dependency each often
associated with compulsive grooming, image obsession, exercise addiction, and pornography.
Then there's internet gaming and television addiction the latter usually associated with fame obsession, fame-spectatorship, sports-spectatorship, soap preoccupation, truth assassination and propaganda regurgitation by media moguls keeping us all ignorant. For ignorance is power.
The whole sorry excuse for living is liberally laced with compulsive violence and exploitation of others, and I have not even touched on addictions to carbohydrates and sugar from which many of the diseases of excess and obesity stem.
So, what is to be done? Is there any hope?
Before we can proceed we have to be clear about what the
problem is that faces us as a race.
Step One if you will.
That does require wakening from slumber, developing insight
and then acceptance.
The next logical Step is what is to identify a solution to the problem.
The following You Tube film about the Zeitgeist Movement and the Venus Project paint the picture and introduce the possibility and more importantly the HOPE of
a solution.
Awaken to the world around us, the problems we face,
why they exist, and how to truly solve them once and for all.
Please rip, share, push and promote this video which is promoting
an achievable solution.
Make this viral, and educate the world!
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